Ph.D. Student
Department of Psychology

New York University
✉️ ziyi.duan@nyu.edu
✉️ zoeduan.sci@gmail.com

CV | Google Scholar | Twitter | Github


Hi, I am Zoe! My Chinese name is Ziyi Duan(段紫逸), just like a purple bunny in a skateboarding. I am a Ph.D. student in ClaySpace Lab in the Department of Psychology at New York University. Before that, I worked as a research assistant in Lewis-Peacock Lab at The University of Texas at Austin, and did my undergraduate and master work with Dr. Xiaowei Ding at Sun Yat-sen University (China).


As a cognitive neuroscientist, I am interested in the relationship between brain-mind-behavior. In particular, I am interested in working memory (WM), a capacity-limited but flexible cognitive system. Here are some fundamental questions of WM that attracts me most.

  • How do our brains form working memory representations?
  • How do we use working memory to guide our behaviors?

My research combines psychophysics, eye-tracking, neuroimage (fMRI, EEG), machine learning, and computational modeling. I especially enjoy foraging scientific innovation by designing new experimental approaches and combining up-to-date techniques. Moreover, I hope to contribute to clinical applications in mental and brain disorders.


If you want to know more about my research, please see Research and my CV.


I have created a WM journal club and try to update with both recent and classical important papers in this field. I have also put together some useful resources, including tips for Ph.D. application, programing, statistics, computational modeling, etc.

Please reach out to me if you have any questions or suggestions.